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PEN Wargame

The Play Easily Now (PEN) Wargame is a tight, 60-page manual designed so players can take ANY miniature, create custom army profiles, and deploy them in pitched battles. 

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Getting Started

The first chapter explains our philosophy behind what it means to Play Easily Now. Games should be enjoyable and accessible but never boring.  Easy explanation of terms, illustrative graphics, and examples throughout make the game the first and last wargame you'll ever need.

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...units single models serving as officers, princes, and legendary heroes. With powerful but few attacks, characters guide army strategy and turn the tide of battle. 



...units are teams of 5-20 that form the crux of armies, with the capability to perform almost anything you need on the battlefield, from abilities to objective securing


...units are horde units of 5-40. Chaff models that throw volleys of weak attacks, clog the board, and are sacrificed to guard or empower more important units.


...units are supporting vehicles representing tanks, air cover, and even navies that move units into place and provide supporting fire and functionality

Despite only 8 pages of rules, PEN Wargame addresses combat, terrain, movement, magic and psychic powers, reinforcements, and objectives.


Gameplay unfolds over five rounds. Both players take turns activating one unit at a time based on the unit's Agility level.

For each skill roll, players roll a d6 for each model in the unit (unless characteristics or weapons say otherwise) and add the unit's skill level. For each dice total of 7+, the unit scores a success, totals of 12+ score two successes, and natural 1's automatically fail.


This simple mechanic governs shots, melee attacks, spellcasting, and more, making unit interactions easy and intuitive. Over 50 pages of unit options mean endless ways to implement this mechanic with your LEGO minifigures, 3D prints, and gaming miniatures. 

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