Rules should be pretty simple but are unfortunately still needed with the way the internet is. All discussions should reflect the Hoodwink Empire's three key values: Community, Creativity, and Christ. Before you post anything, make sure it is a healthy contribution to the discussion, fosters or encourages creativity, and is consistent with Christ's example.
This forum is for...
Encouraging fellow gamers
Finding nearby Hoodwink players
Exchanging homebrewed content
Clarifying rules question
And similar! We're not looking for anything that will tear people down or create an unhealthy environment. Specifically...
No cursing
No sexually explicit descriptions or pictures
Nothing illegal (including distributing pirated RPGs)
Nothing that promotes or encourages unbiblical conversation (slander, gossip, etc.)
I'll remove any content in violation of these rules (or the spirit of them) but, hey, I really don't want to. Let's keep this fun and constructive :D